Friday, September 3, 2010

Mallika -- Horror back with a bang!

Rating: 2.25/5 stars
Value: Rs.100 value for Rs.130 ticket
Recommendation: Definitely worth a watch, specially for those who love the horror genre.
Prediction: Definitely, a decent hit (will recover money).

SPOILER ALERT: Normally, I do not tell any part of the story. Here again I do not include the story, however, be warned some idea of the genre is provided. So do not read the review, if you feel it may SPOIL your experience.

Facebook Status: MALLIKA, 2.25/5 stars, Rs.100 value for Rs.130! Looks like the horror genre is back with a bang. Woh bhooli dastaan, woh phir yaad agayi! Wilson Louis has indeed done a good job with special effects. Story, special effects, direction and acting are reasonably good. Definitely worth a watch, if you are a horror fan!

As Mallika is by first time director Wilson Louis, I am tempted to give 2.5/5 stars, but still, I have been strict as usual and give it 2.25! For a first effort, the film is pretty good. I loved the first half an hour, where Wilson shows his masterly touches. (He is a first time director, but he has YEARS of experience in special effects!)

Indian films have a fairly decent horror heritage. We have our cliches -- the lady in white saree, a haunting melodious song, creaking swings (I don't understand the fascination for these swings.), and of course scary music. Wilson updates all this quite a bit: we have a lady in white gown, Woh bhooli dastaan, who phir aagayi makes a come back, the creaking swing is very much there.

Of course, as in all supernatural stories we have the typical clichés: atma (spirit) which comes back to take revenge, someone who is there to tame the atma, blood and gore, flying objects, frightening music. While these are there, Wilson tries to take it to a higher level, gives it a different twist, and succeeds to a great extent.

Plus points: About half the story is well crafted, and the other half is really jumbled. It is really difficult to understand the jumble. The first half an hour specially has some really good scares, so also the first half of the movie. The second half becomes sort of routine, using the age-old chichés.

Suresh Nair as the investigating Inspector and his side-kick provide comic relief. Sheena Nair does a Mallika Sherawat (wondering whether the script/title was written with her in mind) and provides a lot of sex appeal. Sameer Dattani is competent.

Special effects are by and large good. Music and sound effects are OK. Direction is by and large effective and good. Listening to Woh bhooli dastaan is a treat.

Minus points: Story drags a bit in the first half. The second half is cramped, and the climax is stretched a bit. It has become very filmy, although Wilson does try to add his touches and make it interesting.The freshness of story shown in most parts of the movie is lost in the climax. Climax is crafted differently and well, but using the same old ingredients and theories.

Summary: The film is pretty satisfying. It does keep you guessing, it does keep you entertained. It does keep you scared, specially in the first half. I never thought horror could be entertaining. Believe me, it is!

Recommendation: Definitely worth a watch, specially if you are a horror film buff.

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